Sunday, 8 November 2009

Sports & Educational project - Chennai

Manimaran was a school drop-out & used to roam the Chennai slum of Sathymoornager whilst his parents worked long hours as rag-pickers. Project workers visited his family and with their cooperation were able to help Manimaran enrol in a transit school which he now regularly attends.

Mumbai Home gets the go ahead

After a wait of several months, Way True Life, the charity run by Pator Raju & Shilpa Ram, has been granted the necessary FCRA certificate to receive overseas funding. The couple are now actively looking for some land and a contractor so that work on a new Children's Home for 50 street children can begin soon

Rianna's Fund is already offering support to the pre-school (balwadi) and is committed to funding the new children's home working in partnership with Raju & Shilpa.

For regular updates on the progress please see our website;

Rianna's Fund - sponsored events & donations

Rianna's Fund is now on Virgin Money Giving / Just Giving