We drove west out of Kampala for a couple of hours to Mityana. After driving down a narrow track for a further 20 minutes we arrived at Mityana School. We met up with Bishop Johnstone & Headmistress Alice Hope.
The school is on a site of about 2 acres and there are currently 6 classrooms for the 150 children. They are looking to build more classrooms, one for each Primary year & to build a main hall. The local area is a very poor rural area with a high number of AIDS orphans. There are very few jobs and most people exist by cultivating the land & collecting fire wood, so many families find it hard to pay school fees.
We walked round the site which included a temporary nursery class & the kitchen (a wooden shack) had just collapsed. Up until 4 years ago the school consisited of a papyrus (thatched) shelter.

As we left the school we saw the children enjoying their break on a large field in front of the school, including makeshift netball posts & a game of football. On the way back we stopped off in the town to buy some local snacks called kabalagala, a cassava & banana fritter! Some of the boys preferring their geo-bars.
The school was a long drive from Kampala & we spent more time in the vehicle & the joys of Ugandan traffic.
Rianna's Fund
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